a[n]d Body Art – Russian Criminal Tattoos

For all the girls out there – if you happen to meet a good-looking guy from Russia, you might want to pay attention to his tattoos! If you think that a tattoo of the Joan of Arc looks sexy, think again. In the world of Russian crime, tattoos play a very important role in identifying your crimes and gang affiliations.  As an FYI – the Joan of Arc tattoo represents a conviction for murdering a loved one for cheating.  Aside from being very helpful to the police force in identifying the members of gangs, the art also happens to be quite impressive.  It’s not often that art could get you “locked-up”, but you may want to display some caution when displaying your tattoos when you next visit Russia.  Enjoy the art…and you never know when some information like this might come in handy… from Russia, the world of criminal tattoos…